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9 Powerful E-mail Marketing Tips You Need to Boost Your eCommerce Sales Right Now

Written by Freddie Tubbs | Dec 26, 2018

One of the greatest challenges you’ll face as the manager of an eCommerce store is getting people to part with their hard-earned money with your products or services. Getting customers to come to your website in the first place may seem easier than this!

However, eCommerce stores have been around for some time now, so there’s a lot of tried and tested techniques that you can implement to help boost your sales. Today, we’re going to talk through nine of the most powerful tips and techniques out there, giving you everything you need to boost your bottom line.

  1. 1. Shop Seasonally

Throughout every year, there are plenty of opportunities for you to get involved, run sales and other promotions that are going to draw new customers to your eCommerce store to make a sale. Seasonal sales are always a good idea, as are Black Friday events.

However, think about every single holiday or special occasion that’s being held throughout the year. Think about which ones best suit your store and then include it in your marketing strategy to boost sales.

  1. 2. Brand Everything

Whether you’re mailing someone to tell them about a product or service, or you’re sending them a receipt for a past purchase, you need to make sure every single email you send is 100% branded to your eCommerce store.

This means your reader will be able to identify that the email is coming from you, and it further helps to solidify your brand in the minds of your customers. It also looks a lot more professional across the board. 

  1. 3. Use Personalised Emails

Email marketing is still all the rage right now, and for a good reason. Having a customer’s email in the first place means they trust you and give you the ability to contact and connect with them on a one-on-one basis.

This is why it’s so important to personalise your emails to cater for your readers on a personal basis. This means including their name and writing emails with content that’s going to suit them. You may need to write more emails overall, but by using automation software and programs, this process becomes a whole lot easier to manage.

  1. 4. Run a Referral Program

Referral programs are extremely popular because you have to do next to no marketing. When a customer has purchased something from you, offer them a discount off their next purchase if they sign up or get a notification from a friend.

  1. 5. Optimize Your Emails

Hand in hand with the consideration on emails above, when you’re sending your emails, whether that’s a promotional, educational, inspirational, or any of kind of email, you need to make sure you’re getting those emails opened.

The part of an email you’ve got to do this is with the subject line and the preview text, so make sure you’re optimising this area of the content to ensure it’s completely irresistible to click. Here are some online tools that can help;

Via Writing / Study demic - Use these online tools to help format and structure your emails.

Essay Roo - Use this online tool to help edit and proofread your emails to perfect.

Academ advisor - This is an online tool to help you improve and correct your usage of grammar.

Boom Essays / Academized - These websites are full of copywriting guides you can follow to help master the art of email writing. 

  1. 6. Loyalty = Discount

If you have customers who are shopping at your e-commerce store, it’s vital that you retain these customers. After all, it’s easier to please returning customers than it is to acquire new ones. With this in mind, treat your customers to a discount off their next purchase.

  1. 7. Get More People Signed Up

At every opportunity you have, give people the ability to sign up to your email marketing campaign, so you can stay in touch and maximize your chances of making future sales using the other tips in this list. 

  1. 8. Use Automation Software

“This one is a no-brainer. If you’re not using email automation software to manage and control your marketing campaign, the chances are you’re spending way too much time on your emails and therefore not enough on your business. Use a platform to help you!” explains Nick Harris, an email marketing strategist for Eliteassignmenthelp and Revieweal.

  1. 9. Out-of-Stock Notifications

There are going to be times where a customer comes to your website while looking for something and you’re going to be sold out. Unless your stock management is impeccable, this will happen at some point or another.

However, all is not lost as you can simply set up email notifications that will notify the customer when the item is back in stock so they can simply make the purchase then.


As you can see, there are plenty of ways you can optimise and enhance the email marketing campaign for your e-commerce store when you’re looking to boost and increase your overall sales count. The question is, which one are you going to use first?