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Make an Impact With These 7 User Onboarding Email Tips

Written by Grace Carter | Apr 12, 2019

User onboarding is very important because it converts new users into highly engaged customers. Email is a big part of any successful onboarding process. Here are seven user onboarding email tips.

Know your audience

“Why do your customers use your products? If you don’t know the answer to that question, you have some serious research to do. Carry out some customer surveys to find out why people choose your brand and what they like about it,” recommends Michael Farmer, email marketer at BigAssignments. You also need to find out what your customers are like. What are their demographics? What problems do they experience that your product solves? How long have they been a customer? What kinds of features have they already used? What could make them stop using your product? Where in your process have they become stuck?

Segment your users

Segment your users based on their previous interactions with your brand and its software. Use your segmentation to be sure you are sending people content they are interested in and can be helped by. Your goal is to use past behaviour to predict what the customer is looking for and in need of. Make segmenting decisions based on things such as the amount of time they have spent in the app or the number of tasks completed. You want to be sending experienced users in a different direction than new users or people who are confused.

Be true to your brand

Good branding can not only bring in new people, it can build loyalty that keeps customers coming back. People get used to a certain brand image and experience, so you need to try and keep that consistent. This isn’t to say you can never change anything, your brand will be constantly evolving. But with every decision you make, including your onboarding emails, you should be asking yourself “Is this consistent with the brand?”

Persuade with your copy

When you write your email try and tell a compelling story. Stories are great for creating emotions in people, and emotions are big drivers of customer excitement and that leads to conversions. Use humor, it helps to get through people’s walls. People like to laugh and let their guard down a bit. Use the word “you” rather than “we” or “I,” it helps convey to the reader that this is about them. Demonstrate to the user how your product will benefit their life.

Try using an incentive

Incentives can be powerful motivators and send the message that signing up or converting with your brand has real value. Some good incentives to use sparingly include in-game credits, discounts, and other kinds of offers. Your incentives will depend on what your brand offers and what you know your customers are motivated by.

Use multiple channels to engage

If you want to increase user engagement and retention, and I’m betting you do, then you need to create a multi-channel experience. People consume content from so many different devices and sources. The challenge is to keep some consistency across all these different channels. Look at your user’s journey, and what they need to know at each stage, and then determine which channel is the best place for this information. Should they start with a video or a virtual tour? What do they need to know now, and what can wait until later?

Improve your writing skills with some online help

One of the most important ways you can improve your onboarding emails is by raising the level of your writing skills. Often people think that their writing skills are fine, but even good writers can improve on grammar and other aspects. Here are some good resources to get you started:

#1. MyWritingWay and WritingPopulist – If you struggle with grammar, you are not alone. These grammar resources can help simplify grammar for you and help you avoid mistakes in your emails.

#2. Boomessays and Academized – Proofreading is a tedious process that nobody likes, and not only that, it is very easy to miss something. Instead of trying to proofread on your own, use one of these tools, suggested at

#3. SimpleGrad and StateofWriting – Check out these blogs for some useful suggestions on how to improve your writing. The first step to better onboarding emails is by improving on the fundamentals of writing.

#4. UKWritings and OXEssays – Use these editing tools, reviewed in OXEssays review, to make sure your emails are flawless. A typo or two may not seem like a huge deal, but it can make you look unprofessional.

#5. Assignment Help and LetsGoandLearn – These writing guides can make writing anything, including emails, simpler and easier.


There’s no sense in bringing in tons of new customers if you’re struggling to turn them into loyal, converting users. This is why onboarding emails are so crucial to your brand. Make an impact with these seven user onboarding email tips.