State of Consumer Attitudes on Ecommerce, Fraud, & CX

Every year, ClearSale surveys consumers around the world to learn how they shop online and what shapes their purchasing habits. We also discover what ecommerce businesses need to do to keep customers coming back. On this page, you'll find everything you need to stay informed about the factors that drive your customers' purchasing decisions.





What drives online consumer behavior?


Ecommerce is here to stay, and businesses need to have a clear understanding of what makes their customers click to purchase.

Since before the pandemic forced consumers to shop online, ClearSale has been measuring and tracking consumer behavior. 

Our resources cover a wide range of topics, including:

  • How online spending habits are evolving
  • Which payment methods are most appealing by generation
  • What makes customers complete their purchases -- instead of abandoning their carts
  • And much more

These curated resources provide valuable updates on industries, payments, channels and regions. We also delve into the frequency of fraud and declined purchases and analyze how consumers react to these challenges.

Each report provides in-depth insights into your customers' purchasing journey from before the pandemic to the present day -- which will set up your stores and your strategies for success.

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Find out how ClearSale can help you keep more of your revenue. Talk with a ClearSale fraud prevention expert today!